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I've input an event code, but my CPD log hasn't updated, why is this?
I've input an event code, but my CPD log hasn't updated, why is this?

CPD Code not working

IOB avatar
Written by IOB
Updated over a week ago

Please ensure you enter the first four digits of the code in the first box (year) and second four digits in the second box (reference), with no additional spaces or characters.

If the code is relevant to your designation, it will upload the CPD hours to your log within 15 minutes.

  • If you have entered the code and received an error message, please take a screenshot of the error and wait to chat to an advisor.

  • If the event is not relevant to your designation, you won't receive an error message but the hours won't apply to your CPD log.

    • Sometimes this may appear in the CPD Hours breakdown as 0 or "undefined"

If you would like further information on why a particular code doesn't award CPD for your designation, please wait to speak with an advisor or email us at [email protected]

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