If you are getting an error message when trying to log in to IOB Learn, you may be using a link or a bookmark that is out of date, or there may be an issue with your connection.
-Please clear your browsing data (cookies and cache) and delete any saved bookmarks.
-Once cleared, try signing in from https://lms.iob.ie/my/
If you are still experiencing issues after trying the above, please contact info@iob.ie using the below template:
Membership number and/or date of birth
Any error message you received when trying to log in
What device are you using? (Mobile/ laptop / desktop - include make and model if possible)
What browser are you using? (Chrome/Edge etc)
What OS system does you device use? (iOS/Android)
What network are you connecting from? (Work network, Home Wifi, Mobile Network)
Are you using a remote network / VPN?
Cleared Cookies & Cache? (Yes/No)
Please provide a screenshot so that we can review in detail.