There is a suite of eCPD modules available in the CPD section of IOB Learn. These modules, which are available on your CPD page, are relevant to your designation. There is a short test at the end of each module and once passed the hours will automatically be awarded towards your annual requirement.
We have a range of free live online events for which paid up members of IOB can register. See the events section here to check out upcoming events. The event information page will indicate if hours will be awarded to your designation. If you register for this event and are logged in for the full event duration the CPD hours will automatically be recorded on your CPD log within 2 weeks of the event. Hours are not awarded for watching recorded events.
If you attended an event not run by IOB and if you think it’s relevant to your designation you can apply to have the event accredited for CPD hours. Applications can be submitted here. If it is approved for hours you will be emailed with an accreditation code which you can record on your CPD log through IOB Learn. Please note that the lead time for reviewing of accreditation applications is 15 working days.
Many employers and event organisers hold events and apply directly to IOB for accreditation of their events. If you have attended one of these events the event organiser will supply the accreditation code directly to you. You can record this on your CPD log by logging into IOB learn and by submitting the code under the CPD Log events section.
Designates must take into account that the maximum hours that can be recorded per day (per MCC) is 8 hours.
All hours must be completed by 31st December You can, however, record hours already completed and accredited in the previous year on your log up to 31st January.
IOB produces a CPD Annual Update Manual each year for retail financial advisers (QFAs and APAs). As the manual contains some material of relevance to PIPs the ISI have awarded 1 CPD hour to PIPs for reading and assimilating the relevant sections i.e. the Debt Management Services chapter and relevant sections in the Housing Loans chapter.
Meeting CPD requirements

Written by IOB
Updated over a year ago